
Showgarden plants availability
In the show garden there are currently approximately 400 plants and bulbs present. A small percentage of these can occasionally be made available for sale depending on their rate of multiplication. You may of course request these bulbs when you visit the show garden, and will then be informed if and when they are available. Nursery plants however are always available for purchase (see online shop).
These species are not currently propagated/produced at the nursery, and therefore are not included within the online shop. Examples include
- tulipa aitchisonii var. clusianoides (see above)
- fritillaria eduardii
- tulipa clusiana
- narcissus tazetta "Erlicheer"
- arisaema sikokianum albino form
Welcome to Pontus Wallstén Plants!
A nursery specialised in rare and unusual bulbs and plants from all around the world, with a special focus on lilium (lily) species and hybrids, as well as arisaemas and cardiocrinum.
Based in Switzerland in Perroy (VD). Open 7 days a week from March-November upon appointment ONLY.
You will find plants by searching the various catalogues by clicking on "online shop" which will take you to the categories available to purchase. The plants are divided up according to genus, but there are also a few special sections. Precise numbers available are listed and regularly updated on the website, as well as photographs of most of the plants and bulbs.
For more information on a plant please click on thumbnail pictures of corresponding species or hybrids within each section. Prices are in Swiss Francs (CHF) per bulb/plant, and reflect the rarity of the plant and its age/size.
The postage of bulbs and plants abroad and whitin Switzerland is sadly and with great regret no longer possible from the 15th April 2024 onwards. For more details, click here.
You may order plants and bulbs anytime during the year. They will be reserved at the nursery for you during their respective dormancy periods: for summer dormant bulbs, June to September. For autumn and winter dormant bulbs, from October to March.
It is advisable to order your bulbs straight away regardless of their respective dormancy period. Ordering and paying for a bulb will thereby reserve it for you, and will be available during its appropriate dormancy period.
Informations en Francais
Pour le moment, le site et ses descriptions sont uniquement en anglais, toutefois, n'hésitez pas a m'envoyer un e-mail pour des informations plus détaillées sur les plantes qui vous intéressent.
Photo Credits
Photographs on this website have mostly been taken by Pontus Wallstén, however additional photographs have also been kindly contributed by the following photographers and botanists: Steve Garvie, Tony Willis, Göte Svanholm, Anita Wallstén, Rimmer De Vries, Gene Mirro, Sonia Holm, James Nikitine, Matt Buckingham, David Boufford, Chris Gardner and Alan Mitchell as well as Wikimedia Commons opensource.